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Directed by Carole Poliquin
Canada, 1998 (documentary, 52 minutes, colour, French)
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"What happens when a butterfly flutters its wings? Does the air around it rumble and seethe, creating a hurricane on the other side of the globe? And when blue chip stocks suddenly plummet one day, how many workers lose their jobs or their pensions? The global market is not a neutral territory, but an unprecedented state of interconnections and interdependence. Circling the globe, director Carole Poliquin meets squatters in Paris, families living on welfare in Québec, factory workers in Thailand, teachers in Ontario, fish processors in Senegal and debt-ridden Mexicans. She also interviews some of the market speculators and fund managers who help dictate economies worldwide and yet, for the most part, remain indifferent to the consequences of their actions. Irreverent, witty and fearless, Turbulences highlights the unprecedented power of the financial markets and the threat they pose to democracy."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Isaac Isitan, Nicole Lamothe
Cinematography: Ronald Plante, Isaac Isitan, Gilbert Lemire, Sylvestre Guidi
Film Editing: Marie-Hélène Grenier, Louise Côté
Music: Robert M. Lepage
Production Company: Les Productions ISCA, Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada

Award won by Turbulences

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