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Toying with Their Future

Réalisé par Claire Nadon
Canada, 1990 (documentaire, 30 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Toying with Their Future
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film [en anglais] :
« This half-hour film takes a critical look at the North American toy industry, focusing primarily on war games aimed at young boys and sexist dolls and games aimed at young girls. Toy designers and manufacturers describe their philosophies and their products while salespersons at toy trade shows demonstrate the marketing campaigns used in this billion-dollar industry. A discussion-starter for parents and educators, Toying with Their Future urges viewers to take a closer look at the toys we buy our children. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Margaret Pettigrew, Rina Fraticelli
Montage images : Denise Beaudoin, Suzanne Allard
Musique : Jean Sauvageau
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Notes sur Toying with Their Future


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