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Patricia Rozema

Also known as: Patricia B. Rozema
Country: Canada
Born: 1958

Films directed by Patricia Rozema

Quotes by Patricia Rozema

"I don't think you need to be particularly technically gifted to be a filmmaker, either. I do enjoy that, but the gift you need is to be able to close your eyes, imagine something and describe it well."
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

"My films assume feminism... it's in their foundation. All the assumptions of the characters and everything that happens assume that women clearly have the right to do whatever they want to do."
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

"Since my teens, I had a vision of me sitting in a rocking chair, with a row of film cans beside me. Each can represents a person, an idea, a joke, a political statement. Together, they add up to my world view. I can barely look at my own work, but I wanted that, and I wanted to show it to the other old ladies in the nursing home."
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

"Who's behind the camera really affects what you see on screen. It's just been too many dudes with baseball caps for too long, and that sameness of vision impoverishes us all."
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

Quote by Patricia Rozema [in French]

"Mes films reposent sur le féminisme. Mes personnages et tout ce qui leur arrive laissent supposer que les femmes ont clairement le droit de faire tout ce qu'elles veulent faire."
-- Patricia Rozema (source)

Quotes about Patricia Rozema

"[Patricia] Rozema is one of Canada's most recognizable and successful film artists, famous for works in which the wilful imagination asserts itself despite bureacracy, convention, and social expectation. As a writer and filmmaker, she is drawn to romantic figures whose artistry persists despite various obstacles, from institutionally derived notions of artistic standards to religiously supported ideas of appropriate sexualities."
-- Brenda Austin Smith (source)

"[Patricia] Rozema's films are fundamentally optimistic, especially against the backdrop of an Anglo-Canadian tradition infamous for its dour worldview. Indeed, she has said of several films that she initially wrote them far darker than she eventually filmed them. This is not to say that her films do not tackle distressing and difficult topics, but that they never leave audiences with the feeling that there is no way out."
-- David L. Pike (source)

"[Patricia] Rozema has established herself as an exceptional and distinctly sensual visual stylist. Her films are characterized by self-referential narration, idiosyncratic protagonists (who are often struggling artists), formal adventurousness, and the use of fairy tales, mythology, and poetry as structuring notions."
-- Wyndham Wise (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Patricia Rozema, please see:   Passion: A Letter in 16mm    I've Heard the Mermaids Singing    White Room    Montréal vu par...    When Night Is Falling    Six Gestures from 'Yo-Yo Ma Inspired by Bach'    Mansfield Park    Happy Days    This Might Be Good    Kit Kittredge: An American Girl    Into the Forest    Mouthpiece   

Notes about Patricia Rozema


Bibliography for Patricia Rozema

Section 1: Publications by Patricia Rozema

Section 2: Publications about Patricia Rozema

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Dissertation Chapters

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Patricia Rozema

Passion: A Letter in 16mm (1985)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987)  (also known as: "Eu Ouvi o Canto das Sereias", "Gesang der Meerjungfrauen", "He oído cantar a las sirenas", "Ho sentito le sirene cantare", "Jeg har hørt havfruerne synge", "Le chant des sirènes", "Merenneitojen laulu", "Sjöjungfruns sång", "Zpev sirén")


Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Brief Sections of Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Dissertation Chapters

White Room (1990)  (also known as: "A fehér szoba", "Das weiße Zimmer", "Le secret de la chambre claire", "Valkoinen huone")

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Dissertation Chapters

Montréal vu par... (1991)  (also known as: "Montreal Sextet", "Montréal vu par... six variations sur un thème", "Montrealin tarinoita")

Book Chapters

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

When Night Is Falling (1995)  (also known as: "Cuando cae la noche", "Gdy zapada noc", "Mikor leszáll az éj", "Quand tombe la nuit", "Quando a Noite Cai", "Wenn die Nacht beginnt")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Brief Sections of Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites


Dissertation Chapters

Six Gestures from 'Yo-Yo Ma Inspired by Bach' (1997)  (also known as: "Six Gestures (Suite No. 6)")

Brief Sections of Books

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Mansfield Park (1999)  (also known as: "Kasvattitytön tarina", "Lettres de Mansfield Park", "Palácio das Ilusões")


Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Dissertation Chapters

DVD Special Features

Happy Days (2000)

Brief Sections of Books

Suspect (2005)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (2008)  (also known as: "An American Girl Mystery", "Kit Ketteredge : jeune fille américaine", "Kit Kittredge", "Kit Kittredge - Neiti neuvokas", "Kit Kittredge : journaliste en herbe", "Kit Kittredge: Amerykanska dziewczyna", "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Mystery", "Kit Kittredge: Sueños de periodista", "Kit Kittredge: Una chica americana", "Kit och kassaskrinsmysteriet", "Kit: Uma Garota Especial")

Brief Sections of Books

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Into the Forest (2015)

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Mouthpiece (2018)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Patricia Rozema or her films:

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