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Domee Shi

Countries: Canada / China / United States
Born: 1989

Films directed by Domee Shi

Quotes by Domee Shi

"Growing up, I loved Disney movies and Western animation, but I also love Japanese anime. Being at the center of these different cultures, I grabbed things that I liked from each of them, and that helped me form my voice, my point of view, and my sense of humor, too. I was one of the few people in the story department [at Pixar] that had that specific background and had more exposure to different stories, movies, and cartoons. Being that immigrant kid caught between two worlds, it turned into an advantage."
-- Domee Shi (source)

"I feel this responsibility to pay forward all of the opportunities and support that I've gotten and make sure that I'm not the last female filmmaker or filmmaker of colour [at Pixar], and that we continue telling and supporting diverse stories at the studio and in the industry."
-- Domee Shi (source)

"In high school, I was really into this supernerdy online community called DeviantArt. I could follow artists, and I could email them. In the past, you'd have to be in California or know a guy who was friends with this other guy that worked at Disney or something. Online art communities are probably a huge reason that you're seeing a lot more girls getting into animation and illustration"
-- Domee Shi (source)

"When I first joined Pixar in 2011, I was one of a handful of women in the story department, one of four in a group of 30 or 40. Now, being on a movie with a predominantly female creative leadership [Turning Red] in the span of 10 years, that in and of itself is kind of crazy. Especially because it takes five or six years to make a movie here."
-- Domee Shi (source)

Quote about Domee Shi

"[Domee Shi's] visual language is classic Pixar, all bubbly shapes and expressive faces, but thematically, she hearkens back to vintage Disney, which happens to be Pixar's parent company. The Disney films we all grew up watching were concerned with transformation: Ariel's fishtail forking into legs, Cinderella's rags swirling into a sparkling gown, the Beast mutating from lovable ogre into Baywatch hunk. Shi's films continue that tradition, drawing on fairy tales and her Chinese-Canadian culture to excavate her characters' personal evolutions through magical, monstrous physical transformations. She specializes in the kinds of visual tricks that can only be done with animation, where a dumpling can sprout arms and legs and a roly-poly belly, where a puff of pink smoke changes a teen girl into a shaggy ursine beast."
-- Emily Landau (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Domee Shi, please see:   Bao    Turning Red   

Notes about Domee Shi


Bibliography for Domee Shi

Section 1: Publications about Domee Shi

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Domee Shi

Bao (2018)

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Turning Red (2022)  (also known as: "Alerte rouge", "Crvena panda", "Keď sa červenám", "Over de rooie", "Pirula Panda", "Proměna", "Punainen", "Raudonoji panda", "Red", "Red: Crescer é uma Fera", "Rot", "Rød", "To nie wypanda", "Turning Red: Estranhamente Vermelho")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

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